A Guide to Yoni Steam Rituals... Your Sacred Space.
Yoni and Lingam in Pashupatinath Temple. The Lingam and Yoni represent the inseparability of male and female principles and the totality of creation.
So what is the Yoni?
Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the female genitalia, the Womb and Vagina. It literally means “sacred place” and symbolizes our divine nature and its sacred portal to life. In ancient Chinese Taoist tradition it is also referred to as “golden lotus”, “gates of paradise”, “sexual palace”, “precious pearl”, “treasure”. How do you feel to refer to your vagina, to the depth of your body’s wisdom and intelligence as a “sacred place”? Would you prefer a step down and terms such as “p*ssy”, “down there”, ‘kitty” and so on…. Doesn’t this make you feel already absolutely magical and divine?
It’s important to understand that Yoni Steaming is not for cleaning your vulva or vagina. Your vagina is inherently self-cleaning. When the Yoni Steaming is described as cleansing, it is referring to the way the heat and steam supports our feminine bodies in their own natural release and vibrant vitality.
For me, I find it such a deeply nourishing ritual. It anchors my awareness into my feminine center and softens my body. As an Herbalist, I seek to connect with the medicinal values of the herbs and that is how I came up with the blend that is used at my wellness center. I usually include it in my monthly phase to ease me into a slower pace for my moontime, and because I’ve found it to be a vital ingredient for pleasure-full bleeding. Afterwards I feel relaxed and at home in my feminine body and connected to my inner roots. For those who may have heard that the male partner can tell the difference… it is true. A man that is truly connected to loving you will get to experience this connection with you, THROUGH YOU. There’s something about the way you move, the connection to self-love, and the feminine divine.
How Yoni Steams can help you through the sacred stages of womanhood
Heat is medicine for the feminine body. Where cold causes contraction, heat supports opening and release. The moist heat softens the womb and the tissues, increases vital blood flow and supports your womb in releasing any stagnant blood that may have built up.
For a pleasurable moontime and easing menstrual pain, imbalances and blood clots: Setting aside time for 1-3 Yoni Steam Rituals during your pre-menstrual phase are one of the best ways to prepare for your monthly moontime / bleeding phase and nurture pelvic stagnancy and blood clots. The warming steam aids in leansing and nourishing the uterine membrane. It’s important to know that healthy menstrual blood flows easily, in a bright red color with no clots.
For fertility: Yoni Steams are a great support in nourishing our feminine bodies into their natural state of fertility and creativity. It helps to create uterine membranes that are moist and receptive for conception to happen. If you are actively trying to conceive, you can use the Yoni Steam during your pre-ovulation phase up until ovulation, to prepare for conception. Do not steam after possible conception.
After miscarriage: During the vulnerable time following a miscarriage, a Yoni Steam Ritual may support your body in cleansing and can also be a wonderful tool for connecting with your feminine center an to avoid stagnant emotions taking root in your body. You can begin to Yoni Steam once your bleeding has ceased. It is important to take the time to honor the initiation of this experience and actively support the energetic and physical release.
Postpartum: Keeping women warm is at the heart of many women’s wisdom practices across the world, including traditional postpartum practices. Using Yoni Steams after birth brings nourishing heat, supports the body to release fluids, and aids the womb in shrinking back to pre-pregnancy size. If you have had a caesarian you want to wait a little longer than vaginal birth, until you’ve healed well.
Peri-menopause and menopause: When your cycles are slowing down or changing, the Yoni Steam can stimulate circulation and support your womb to continue to release fully. On the other side of menopause, the warming steam can be revitalizing for vaginal dryness while nourishing a deep connection to your feminine center and Inner Woman in a time of initiation and transformation.
Pelvic pain, tightness or pain during intercourse: For women experiencing pelvic pain, chronic holding, or tightness the Yoni Steam helps to soothe and relax the pelvic muscles. Combine the steam with breath awareness and full diaphragmatic breathing to relax your pelvic muscles and create a loving connection with your feminine center.
After Hysterectomy or other pelvic surgeries: The heat and warmth can be a soothing therapy for scar tissue. When combined with castor oil packs and massage it helps to increase vitality after surgery. Doing a Yoni Steam may also be helpful in emotionally and energetically reconnecting with your feminine center after an invasive procedure and experience. Your feminine center always remains even if you no longer have your physical womb or ovaries.
Avoid Yoni Steams if:
You are pregnant or think you may be pregnant!
You are currently bleeding heavily.
Have an active vaginal infection or open wounds.
Use caution:
If you have an IUD or another contraceptive device in place.
Experience very heavy periods.
When trying to support infertility or a specific condition where there may be particular contraindications.
Prayer and intention is an important part of working with plants and a deeply potent way of accessing support beyond the physical. You can’t do this wrong, just speak from your heart, plant your intentions, and ask for the healing support of the plant.
Changes to expect after Yoni Steaming
Various changes may follow after Yoni Steaming, from healing and physical releases to blissful relaxation. Things you might see include changes in your menstrual cycle, release of dark blood and clots, a lighter cycle and increased awareness of your feminine body. If there has been stagnancy or menstrual imbalances, you may expect there to be some significant changes or dark syrupy blood releasing with your next moon-time. For others the changes may come more slowly and be much more subtle.
During and after your steam you might feel tired or emotional, and it’s important you take the time to rest and stay warm after your Yoni Steam.
Learn more about the sacred wisdom of yoni health here. If you’ve ever had a Yoni Steam at The Laya Center in Kansas City, please share your experience here! I would love to hear your stories. If you have any questions… drop them in the comments!