The COVID-19 outbreak has presented us with a challenge on a personal level that we haven’t seen in a century. We are different now. We have social media exploding information that is scary or nonchalant. We spoke with our Master Herbalist on the virus, and here’s what Kahla knows right now.
First, no one has a cure for this virus. Many people will contract the virus and have cold or flu like symptoms and recover just fine. However, there are many people that cannot fight this virus due to age, chronic conditions or those taking immune-suppressing drugs. As of this writing, we are beginning to see complications in younger and younger people. Because we have no cure, we MUST work on our immune systems to keep from getting the virus or in easing its symptoms and lung damaging results, which is not even being talked about yet. When symptoms become too severe, the hospital provides intravenous fluids, oxygen, and as a last resort, a ventilator. Ventilators cause lung damage but can save a life. Therefore, social distancing is so important in these beginning stages. Personally, I think the virus has been rising since at least December and many of us have already had it, thinking we had the flu.- Kahla Wheeler-Rowan
Since the beginning of the outbreak in the U.S., we started working off experience of our collective gained knowledge. No doctor has treated this virus before, so they too are learning as we see progression and working off experience of symptoms. After clearing/reversing positive Coronavirus tests over the past few months here is what we know:
The virus lives in cold areas of the body, like the nose/sinuses.
The virus starts with a rather dry cough in early stages.
Following the cough, if not remedied, the virus turns damp.
This virus creates a large amount of mucous in its damp stage that adheres to the core areas of the human body.
This dampness creates extreme toxicity & brings fever to the body.
The herbs that we are carefully recommending (and in some cases customizing for our pre-existing conditions clients) are ones that we have experience with and know their therapeutic actions. Herbalists can help with boosting immune system, protecting the thermo-regulating shield of our mucosa.
Once The Virus Is Present
As stated above, once the virus is present it will move through a few phases. It enters through the least warm cavities of the body and sets in toxicity. Once the virus becomes toxic, it will start to form mucous in the body and damp heat sets in. Here is a list of herbs to support your body in expelling this toxicity and mucous through the body’s largest organ… the skin! (Click on highlighted titles below to get more info and to purchase)
Lobelia is a well-known prairie plant that is anti-viral and diaphoretic. It is a muscle relaxant for the entire respiratory system so it stops spasms brought on by coughing. It does not need to be taken in large doses, this may cause vomiting.
Osha, much like lobelia, is an antiviral and diaphoretic coming from the mountain regions. It is especially known for relaxing muscle in the respiratory tract & calming coughs. It has demonstrated antimicrobial and antispasmodic properties. It is useful for lung and bronchial health.
Poke Root contributes to the lymphatic system, moving lymph and relaxing hard, sore lymph nodes. It is anti-catarrhal reducing mucous production and moving mucous from the lungs. It is anti-inflammatory reducing the potential of over inflammatory response. It stimulates T-cell production and contributes to B-cell health. T-cells are the basis for the body’s immune cells and B-cells remember past viruses so that our lymph nodes can replicate chemical signature antibodies to assist in disabling the virus.
FireBerry® is a two-in-one remedy combines the power of elderberry with the increased benefits of fire cider. Fire cider is a combination of herbs and foods that help with congestion, digestion, alkalizing and energizing.
These remedies are helpful to recovering from the virus and for boosting the immune system. Though we like to give a general list of herbs that will aid in treatment of the virus, every case is different. We focus on customized wellness plans to ensure that all of our clients are practicing safe natural care. We also have a Covid Care System for complications like Heart or Lung issues. These cases require extra medicinal tincture. See the Covid Care products here.
Immune System Care Protocol
From Von Miller of the Denver Broncos & famous public figures throughout the United States to many of our local healthcare professionals, our Herbal Wellness protocol WORKS! We’ve shipped out countless packages to clients all over the country, often customizing them to meet the overall needs of individuals with specific concerns. Here are a few more of the products we’ve added to the many care packages we’ve shipped over the past several months.
Remembering that the body is an integrated system acting as a whole, it does not think in terms of respiratory system or immune system. We are holographic in our form, meaning that each cell believes that it is the whole being and this works to our overall advantage. This gives us the need to soothe all systems when the body is under attack from any invader, viral or bacterial.