Heal and cleanse yourself in all ways…
A proper detox should cleanse you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We believe that any physical imbalance is the untreated result of an energetic imbalance. Yoruba medicine seeks to reunite the personality-complex with the Divine, or Higher Self in a more meaningful, holistic way. Traditional African healing science helps to strengthen the energetic connections between the person and the soul itself, by rebalancing the mind, body, and spirit complexes as a whole. This ideology is enhanced by combining herbal remedies, detoxification, bathing and spiritual rituals. Our 360° Cleanse was curated to bring all of these aspects into alignment. Start by bathing the inside of the body with The 21 Day Cleanse.
The Yoruba believed that good health arose from harmony with nature and the Creator, poor health, from discord. When disease occurs, it is a sign that we are blocking the natural flow of consciousness and subtle life-force energies through our body/mind/spirit/ complexes. Traditional African medicine was, and is, effective in healing disease. Right diet, healthy lifestyle, and spirituality are essential ingredients for recovery, whether in modern medicine or traditional healing. Modern medicine is young, the jungle is old. The jungle ways were once our ways, and they are not easily forgotten. Within each of us lingers something of the older African wisdom. Somewhere in each of us the ancestors are calling, calling us back to the dance, the drum, and the jungle. Herbal medicine is part of our African heritage, part of the blood and spirit of our past.
The Seven Principles of Life
Awaken & Align
Join our FREE COURSE - Awaken & Align: Afrivedic Health Principles. Our Yoruba Herbalist will guide you through the steps to jump-start your cleanse. You will understand the root cause of digestive issues from an energetic viewpoint and start the journey of cleansing the effects from your life.
The 360° Cleanse
The 360° Cleanse is a 21 day detox curated to cleanse the body, while purifying the mind. It was developed by The Laya Center’s founder, Toyia A Mays, who has been guiding her clients through their individual wellness journeys for the past 6 years.
The first 7 days of your cleanse includes a powerful liver decongestant that rids your body of negating toxins while boosting your immune system. You will find clarity like you haven’t experienced in recent times. During this week, you will commit to daily journaling and meditation. During week 2 you will start to connect to your journey of self-healing as you powerfully cleanse the deeper layers of your body. Reset your metabolism and shed outmoded beliefs during this phase of RELEASE. Your lends for this phase are meant to flush the liver & detox fats, while releasing destructive patterns and emotions. Continue journaling, increase meditation time, and incorporate the Vibrational Detox soundtrack. Reset your upper digestive strength, boost agni (digestive fire/metabolism), and enhance clarity. On the last day of The 360° Cleanse you will engage in a self led cartomancy session to confront negative impacts on your life from the past. If you want to take it a step further, we recommend you start The Holistic Guide To Balancing Your Root. You will adopt new lifestyle practices and learn how to work to maintain Root Balance for the rest of your life.
Included in The 360° Cleanse:
The 21 Day Cleanse Kit
3 weeks of high quality herbal powders to Cleanse, Reset, Recharge, and Restore the digestive system. These powders were made using African Herbology and Ayurvedic influence.
The 21 Day Cleanse
Green Power (7 days, Week 1)
Vegan Meal Replacement (7 days, Week 2)
Ultimate Superfood Fusion (7 days, Week 3)
Pineapple Detox Tea (32 oz bottle)
Triphala Blend
Abhyanga Oil (4 oz)
Bathing Ritual
7 Day Supply of Phytacin (signature blend of herbal “niacin”)
Best Life Wellness e-Workbook
Ojiji (Shadow) Workbook, Vol. 1 (print copy)
Shadow Tarot Deck
Cleanse Collection Guided Meditations
Vibrational Detox soundtrack