People clean the outside of their body, but rarely think too much about cleaning the inside. This is where sickness and disease comes about. The way to cleanse the inside of the body is through Fasting with fruits, vegetables, enemas and high doses of natural Vitamin C. Fasting causes your body to detoxify & rejuvenate itself. Toxins form from an unclean diet, causing bad breath, body odors, pain, etc. When the body tries to save itself by forcing out accumulated toxins, it is called dis-ease. Your internal environment becomes a filthy breeding ground for illness. Catching the common cold is more of your body purging itself than it is a sickness. Allow your body to do its thing, just give it a boost or even look at it as nature giving your body some extra gas to do its thing. Fasting also promotes a natural high that may leave you spiritually attuned and give you mental clarity, or a heightened sense of well-being. When you are fasting properly, the impurities are excreted through your skin, so you will need to assist the process. This is another reason why the bathing rituals are implemented into the program.
Prepare For Your Detox:
To prepare, eat only raw vegetables & fruits for 2 days before you begin this program. This will prepare your body for the fasting/cleansing process. If you do not ease into this process, you will send your body into purge mode too quickly. On the night before officially starting the detox, prepare your Seaweed Bath (instructions included with Kit). If you did not purchase the 30 Day Home Detox & Wellness Program Kit, use Sea Salt in your bath. You will also need to dry brush your entire body before taking your bath.
Starting Your Detox:
During your detox you may only eat/drink the contents of this package along with fresh, raw fruits & veggies. You can mix and match the vegetables and fruits together, but do not combine a fruit with a vegetable. The only fruit that could be mixed with the vegetable powders is Apple. Reserve the powdered plant milks for your protein smoothies.
For the first 3-10 days, drink nothing but fruit juice, raw juicy fruit, and lots of water. You may also take an enema twice per day. After your first phase of the Fast, break by eating salads. Do not eat heavy foods! You may slowly incorporate other raw foods into your detoxification phase but continue to stay away from the following:
Dairy Products
Carbonated Drinks
Table Salt
Refined / Bleached White Flour
Refined Foods of any kind
You will also need to stay away from any foods you are allergic to. If you are unsure about any hidden food allergies, skip to that chapter of the course called 'Detecting Hidden Food Allergies.' Throw away your aluminum pots and utensils; they poison your food. Increase eating raw, organic fruit, vegetables, and sprouts. Drink plenty of pure water... your urine should be clear! Water is a key to optimum health and internal cleanliness.
Fact Check:
Cooked foods are dead, devitalized food with its life force gone. They speed up aging and deteriorate the body. Life comes from life...death from death. Honor your body and it will honor you with health and vitality.
Consider this...
Uric acid and manure germs are what give red meat its flavor. If you doubt this, try eating kosher style before it has been spiced, as the blood is completely drained. And what about those manure germs?... When the animal is alive, the osmotic process in its colon keeps the putrefactive colon bacteria from getting into the animal. When the animal is dead the osmotic process is gone and the putrefactive manure germs swarm through the walls of the colon and into the flesh, tenderizing the meat. Meat has to age. What ages or softens the flesh are the putrefactive colon germs? Experts say the bacteria in meats are identical with those of manure and more numerous in some meats than in fresh manure.
Is that what you want to eat?
Plus it takes about 90 hours to digest meat, during which time undigested pieces rot in your colon, slowly poisoning you. Any food remaining in the colon over 8 hours spells future health problems. In addition, hormones are causing such things as breast growth in males. Further, the terror that fills the animal just before being slaughtered causes their adrenal glands to flood their bodies with poisonous adrenaline. This upsets the natural adrenals in the human body... leading to more imbalances.
Preparing Produce For Juicing
Juicing is an easy way to make delicious drinks that can boost your health and help treat a number of disorders. Follow these guidelines to make sure that your juicing experience provides the best, nutrient-rich, pure drinks as possible.
Buy and use organically grown produce whenever possible. This prevents chemical residue from ending up in your juice.
Whenever you buy regular fruits, make sure to thoroughly was and even peel the fruit. Use a vegetable brush to clean residue from the fruits and vegetables.
When you are buying potatoes to juice, make sure to pass on the ones with a green hue + be sure to remove all the sprouts. FYI - the chemical, solanine, which gives potatoes a green hue can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
Leave the skin on your fruit when you juice organically (obviously not citrus fruit). Other fruits to peel are apricots, kiwis, papayas, peaches, and pineapples.
When juicing fruits, leave in small seeds, except with apples. Apple seeds contain cyanide and are poisonous... make sure to pick them out if you give apples to your animals as well.
Juice produce with stems and leaves intact. But you should remove carrot and rhubarb leaves because they also contain toxic substances.
When using soft fruits that contain very little water - avocados, bananas, and papayas - pureΓ© them in a blender instead of placing them in the juicer. Then just add them to your juice.
Remember to rotate which vegetables and fruits you juice in order to get a variety of nutrients from different sources and to allow your body to create the relationship with that fruit/vegetable.
You didn't think it was just juice and go did you? You are cultivating a real relationship with your food - one that is built on learning each other and providing the best support possible. You provide the clean internal environment for your foods, and your foods provide the tools that teaches your body how to heal itself. Click here for more information about juicing, which fruits and vegetables to use and for a few recipes.