Oshun's Solar Ritual
Connection to Personal Power & Intuitive Thinking
This Energy Center is literally your power source. When you are totally connected and following your intuition, your Solar Plexus is clear and Oshun is going to war for ya. You can move without thinking twice and are motivated to do whatever your heart desires. You know you looking good and there is nothing anyone can do to push you off your square! Use this ritual to expound on the energy and exude Personal Power & Strength at all times.
Anatomical Location: Center of Belly; under center of rib cage, under diaphragm.
Affirmative Statement: (Affirmations): "I WILL" ('I Think', 'I Act')
Associations & Qualities:Will, Power, Self Empowerment, Motivation, Intellect, Mental Force, Vitality, Strength, Energy and Action, Morality, Judgment; Center for Personal Power; the Ego; Sun/Solar Center; Self Desire to Express Individuality
Orisha/Archangel/Angelic Vibration: Oshun: Sensuality, Beauty, Gracefulness, she symbolizes clarity and flowing motion, she has power to heal with cool water, she is also the divinity of fertility and feminine essence. Women appeal to her for childbearing and for the alleviation of digestive imbalance resulting in female disorders. She is fond of babies and is sought if a baby becomes ill.
Uriel, (and all Angels of Peace); also, Haniel.
Consciousness Focus/Spiritual Lesson: Self-empowerment/Self-definition - Intellectual Sense of Self (Will Power)
Crystals/Otas: White coral, Zircon, Diamond, Amber, Topaz, Pyrite, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Yellow Jasper, Calcite, Golden Heliodor/Beryl, Ametrine, Tiger Iron, Lemon Quartz
Oshun’s Solar Ritual
What you need:
SoulHER Power Chakra Tea
2-3 Crystals from the list.
Calendula Flowers
Yellow Clothing
Sandalwood or Rose oil
(5) White or yellow candles
Bath of water
The Solar Plexus Playlist
Small Jar with lid
Oshun Candle (or yellow 7 day candle)
On a Friday, Water Day, start your Ritual. Make sure to do this on an empty stomach. If you have it, make yourself a cup of Spearmint or Honeysuckle Tea. You may also brew a cup of SoulHER Power Chakra Tea. Clear your space with Copal or a Blessing Smudge. Draw your bath water and make sure it is warm. When it is as full as you can make it, add the calendula flowers, half the honey and the oil to your bath. Prepare your candles by carving a word in each one that represents an emotion you would like to move through and heal from. Example: Anger (because it arises often about the exact same experience). If you do not have five words, you may duplicate the same word. Place the candle around your tub safely. Leave space to pass through them as you enter. Light your candles while thinking about joyful events, being social, affectionate, loving, sweet, flexible, graceful, and motivated.
Undress yourself slowly and think of the sensual nature of doing this ritual for your own well-being. Submerge your entire body into the sweet nectar that you created in your bathtub. Feel it wrap around every part of your body. When you are comfortable, start to wave your arms through the water slowly. Moving Counter-clockwise, to invoke the power of Oshun, face southwest, and say something like…
““O, Mother Oshun, Spirit of fresh water and rivers, give me your ashe, give me your strength, give me your healing power, which I shall know how to use. Thank you for your healing Water.”
Reserve the remainder of the ritual for the Oriki song to Oshun.
Iba Oshun Sekese
I respect the spirit of the river, spirit of mystery
Latojoku awede we mo
Who cleans me from inside out
Eni ide ki su omi a san rere
She who makes brass, uses water to bring good fortune
Oshun o pe o (3 times)
Spirit of the river I am calling
Oshun o pele o
Spirit of the river I am greeting you
Oshun Ro
Spirit of the river descend
Mbe mbe ma yeye, a dupe
Eternal mother I give thanks
Image: Hindu Turmeric Bathing Ritual
This power song is used to call forth the energy of Oshun, the seventh sphere of the Tree of Life. In singing the Orisha songs, you call forth their powers to protect and help. The songs are also connected with the "personality complex". Singing an Orisha song helps to bring about the resources and energy of the Orisha internals. Remember that there are all kinds of songs to the Orishas. Therefore, you will want to purchase some of the various books on Orisha songs. For this, I advise that you get a copy of "Songs for Selected Heads" by John Mason (Yoruba Theological Archministry, 1992).
When you are done and you feel a shift in your body, open the drain to let go of the water that has cleansed you. Exit through the flames and allow them to burn out. Before all the water is done, collect a small amount in a little jar. Place the jar of water and the rest of the honey on an altar dedicated to Oshun’s energy. Use this altar to meditate daily. Also place a 7 day candle for Oshun on your altar. Optional: Place anything (of yours only) that is yellow along with your crystals on the altar along with additional ones to add up to 5.