The Elements & Orishas
The Elements
We understand the reference to the elements in Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine. As in Western and Chinese Medicine, the Yoruba system incorporates environmental and emotional states. African healers believe that the Orishas govern a law of human passions and desires, which, if improperly indulged, or violated, will prevent a person from gaining spiritual benefit from the external acts of rituals. Demons/negative spirits or dis-ease enters the body through the five senses, the imagination and the carnal appetites. The Chinese also recognize the "seven emotions" as causes to disease. The "seven emotions", or "evil vices" approximates the "the law of human passions and desires" in Yoruba medicine. For example, under the Yoruba system, someone suffering from guilt can bring on a multitude of evil spirits, or illnesses. The Elegba Orisha, is the primary negotiator between negative and positive forces in the body. The emotion of guilt can put Elegba into a negative disposition, which in turn, can effect the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Physically, the negative disposition can cause chronic digestion problems, and a weakening of the immune system. This is why we refer to your "First Line of Defense" as your energetic centers, Chakra System, or Orisha Internals. If the etheric body is compromised and left imbalanced, you are more susceptible to dis-ease.
Earth - Elegba
Fire - Shango
Water - Yemoja
Air - Oya
Shango Orisha represents the fire element and is hot and dry in nature. It is considered to be the Protector/Warrior, and possesses the ability to transform base substance into that which is pure and valuable. It is associated with the color red. Its season is summer.
Elegba Orisha represents the earth element and is dry and cold in nature. It is the Messenger of the Orisha, Holder of Ashe among the Orisha, and is associated with the colors red. black, and white
Yemoja Orisha represents the water element and it is cold and wet in nature. She is the Mother of Waters and is associated with the color blue and crystal. Its season is winter.
Oya Orisha represents the wind, or air element and is hot arm wet in nature. She is responsible for the winds of change, and is associated with the color reddish-brown. Its season is spring.