Otas... Gemstones, That Is.
Gems are crystalized plants and possess the fossilized energies of the plant. So just as you may use sage to clear energies in your home, think of a crystal as an ancient sage stick with mounds of wisdom (so to speak). They can transmit energies and receive energies. In fact, they can be programmed by your intent like the hard drive on your computer. This can be accomplished in many ways. For example, the liquid of an herbal tea can be poured over the gem and this can cause the gemstone to retain the power of that herb. Crystals can also be programmed with the energy of color, metals, minerals, oils, or vibrational/sound energy. Gemstones are natural purifiers of vibrational energies because they absorb negative energy and transmit only positive vibrations. They can be used to remove elements of pain, elevate you vibration, open blockages, help keep balance, balance emotions, release negativity and heal the energetic body.
An interesting relationship which can be made on the basis of science is the fact that the human body, to some extent, is similar to a crystal. The crystalline properties in the human body such as cell salts, lymph, and white cells have the same quartz-like properties as crystals. Isn't that amazing? When one uses the crystal to heal the body, a resonate frequency occurs between the cellular crystal systems in the body and the frequency of the crystal. During this process, the gem crystal energy is amplified and directed to the part of the subtle anatomy which requires energetic reorganization. This method is further enhance with the use of sound and chanting. I have included the entire chart in order for you to identify some possible imbalances in other energy centers.