Swiss Chard Walnut Taco (Raw Vegan)

Yep, you heard that right… Raw Vegan! I’m on this Raw Vegan train along with the rest of my cleanse buddies. Who’s all with me? 🙋🏾 Well if you’ve jumped on the Cleanse train then you know that the first 14 days of The 21 Day Cleanse it is recommended that you eat a Raw diet. Think you can handle it? Our clients have been giving rave reviews and have a new outlook on the way they eat, an enhanced mindfulness, and increased focus. I’ll be doing 2 rounds of the cleanse so that I can end at Spring Equinox… come on that The 21 Day Cleanse to Spring Equinox challenge with us! Renew your body and mind as we usher in NEW LIFE on this green earth.

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Prepare your favorite Guacamole recipe ahead of time.


  • 4 large Swiss chard leaves (I like Rainbow Chard)

  • 1/2 red bell pepper

  • guacamole (previously prepared)

  • 1/2 tsp sea salt

  • 1 tbsp paprika

  • 1 tbsp ground cumin

  • 1 tbsp chili powder

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (cold-pressed)

  • 1/2 cup dried oyster mushrooms

  • 3 cups raw walnuts

  • 2 tbsp liquid aminos

  • 2 tsp minced garlic

  • 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil

  • salsa (as desired)

  • sliced cherry tomatoes


  • Sit Swiss Chard in a bowl of water and let soak.

  • Dice red peppers and oyster mushrooms.

  • To the bowl of a food processor, add all ingredients (dry first) except for the Swiss Chard and the guacamole. Pulse into a semi-fine meal (some larger chunks are okay. Be careful not to churn into a butter).

  • Taste and adjust flavor as needed, adding more salt for saltiness, garlic for more “zing,” peppers for heat, or cumin for smokiness.

  • Cut the stems off your Chard and blot dry with a paper towel. Arrange the leaves on a plate.

  • Add your walnut mixture inside the chard leaves and top with guacamole, tomatoes, salsa, and whatever else you like… ya dig?

  • Enjoy right away. Walnut “meat” leftovers can be stored up to 5-7 days in the refrigerator or up to 1 month in the freezer.


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