The elements associated with the Throat Energy center are Air, Earth, and Water. Think about that for a second. Think about the functions of the throat and all the physical correspondences that surround it. Here, let me help you out a bit.

AIR: If the throat is obstructed in any way, it makes it hard for you to breathe. Your circulation is compromised and you begin to go into shock of some kind. There is usually some coughing or choking involved as well, leaving your AIRways constricted.

EARTH: In elemental wellness Earth is balanced through the foods you eat. Your throat is a pathway for the beginning to end of digestion.

WATER: You also need your throat to ingest water, which makes up 60% of the human body. Also, when you are dehydrated, the first thing you will notice is the parched feeling of the throat.


As mentioned in Let Me Clear My Throat, the Throat Energy Center has influence over the major glands in the neck region such as the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the mouth, 'Vocal cords, lungs, as well as the cervical vertebrae. It also governs the entire alimentary canal. The thyroid and parathyroid glands are essential to the endocrine system. The parathyroid is responsible for regulating calcium metabolism in bone cells through the secretion of PTH (parathyroid hormone). The thyroid regulates the oxidative processes and affects calcium and bone metabolism in a manner opposite to that of the parathyroid. In terms of its physical correspondence, this orisha governs over the skeletal activity and white fluids of the body. Abnormalities of the energy flow of this orisha may cause a multitude of symptoms such as vertigo, allergies, anemia, fatigue, menstrual irregularities, sore throat, laryngitis, gland tumors, cancer of the larynx, asthma and other respiratory problems may stem from an imbalance of this center.

According to Yoruba Therapeutics, the following can be used to balance the Throat:

  • The healing power of Meditation

  • Sound mantras

  • Spirit strengthening herbs

  • Nervines

  • Anti-spasmodics

  • Stimulants

  • Diaphoretics


When meditating you should focus on releasing through verbal cues. Burn Myrrh and/or Southernwood. Also, you may annoint your space with one of the following Oils:

  • Basil

  • Lotus

  • Fennel

  • Tuberose

  • Sage

  • Marjoram

It is important that you connect to Mother earth and allow healing to happen naturally. For Spirit strengthening/Esoteric herbs while meditating or indulging in an act of Self-Care, you may use one of the following herbs in a bath routine, tea time, or in your food.

  • Basil

  • White roses

  • Cotton (leaves)

  • Marjoram

  • Sage

  • Fennel

The herbs and plants listed above are meant to bring balance through energetic means. They are not the medicinal herbs you need to help balance the Throat and physical imbalances associated with a blocked Throat Chakra. In order to holistically treat these imbalances, you must also focus on herbs that bring medicinal value to the equation. Here is a list of those herbs:

  • Skullcap,

  • Sage,

  • Basil,

  • Hyssop,

  • Blue Vervain,

  • Willow,

  • Valerian

  • Sea Herbs

  • Sea Salt

  • Mucuna Pruriens

  • Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

  • Kola Nut

  • Nigella seed

  • Elderberry

  • Honeysuckle

  • Echinacea

  • Osha

Our wellness center combines Elemental Wellness with Herbal Medicine to bring you a comprehensive herbal treatment plan. To balance the Throat you will need to combine Air, Earth, and Water elements in your herbal routine. Here are the products we recommend for balance.

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Ground Ivy Tincture


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Herban Black Seed Oil


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Lion’s Biceps Capsules


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Seamoss Capsules


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Other Products that help to balance the Throat and its physical chronic conditions. Click to see it in our store. Also, if you are suffering from Thyroid issues, you may want to check out specific Glandular health items HERE.


5 Ways to Ease Into a New Beginning


Let Me Clear My Throat