Sacred Yoni Yoga + Meditation

Sacred Yoni Yoga + Meditation

Have you ever done yoga that’s focused on the Sacral Chakra and strengthening the reproductive and center of creation? Ever done it with a Yoni Egg inserted?!? Wooooo baby, it is 🔥… Join this Sacred Practice!!!

Feast Day Yoni Yoga.png

Join Dr. Auburn, our exclusive Kemetic Yoga Teacher, as she guides you through a hyper-focused yoga routine while incorporating the Sacral Energy Center soundtrack made by our Founder, affirmations to awaken the energy of the Sacral/Yemoja, and chant for balancing the second center for all creation.

Focus: The Sacral Energy Center

Benefits: Raise the Kundalini Life Force, Harness Creative Power, Strengthen Reproductive System, Sacral Breathing for Healing Imbalances.

This yoga session is meant to be done while your Yoni Egg is inserted to intensify the effects and tone the female organs, but may be done without. Click HERE to learn more about Yoni Eggs and HERE if you’d like to see our selection and the properties of each crystal.


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Yemoja's Sacred Sacral Yoga

Yemoja's Sacred Sacral Yoga

Yemoja - Swadhisthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)

Yemoja - Swadhisthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)

Join together with Kemetic Yoga Instructor and artist of the African Diaspora in our first ever Kemetic Yoni Yoga experience. This yoga class can be done with or without a Yoni Egg inserted, but is most effective with the egg. See HERE for our selection of Yoni Eggs. You will go through a flow that is curated to heal the Sacral energy center. You will experience the anatomical activation associated with the reproductive system and 2nd energy center of the human Ashe.


The second orisha is located at the base of the lumbar spine. In esoteric traditions, it has been referred to as the "sacral" chakra. Yemoja is the seat of sexuality and the entire reproductive system. Yoruba priests, often associate this orisha with the expression of sensual emotion and sex energy. The type and intensity of the energy flowing through this center will determine the degree of emotional and sexual energy in a person's life. This energy can go in two directions, either negative or positive. In the mystical tradition of the “Black Dalilias" of India, the sex energy provided the means to raise the "kundalini" life force, bringing forth Divine Consciousness in the human mind.

Located in the reproductive/pelvic area
Sacred Healing Sound: VAM
Keynote: D
Vowel Sound: Ooh
Sound Frequency: 210.42 Hz / 384 / Hz 417 Hz
Nature Sound: Water/Ocean

At Yemoja’s blessed touch, wounds are healed and sickness is cured. But even her kindness has its limits and should she be roused to anger, she becomes as violent and as destructive as the most turbulent of floodwaters. All who would dare stand against her are swept aside by her roaring fury. To challenge Yemoja is to challenge the river itself.
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