The Laya Center - Afrivedic Wellness

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Afrivedic™ Healing: Harmonizing Yoruba, Chinese, and Ayurvedic Medicine

Welcome to our wellness center, a sanctuary where ancient wisdom meets modern healing techniques to guide you towards holistic wellness. We're thrilled to introduce you to Afrivedic™ Healing, a groundbreaking approach that weaves together the rich traditions of Yoruba, Chinese, and Ayurvedic medicine with the simulation of nature. Afrivedic™ Healing is designed to nurture the mind, body, and spirit in unison, offering a path to balance and health that is as unique as you are.

The Principles of Afrivedic™ Healing

Afrivedic™ Healing is built on the understanding that wellness is a harmonious blend of the physical, emotional, and spiritual. Our principles are rooted in recognizing the imbalances within these realms and addressing them through a tailored combination of elemental treatments. Here's how we bring these age-old traditions into harmony:

  • Integration of Systems: Afrivedic™ Healing combines the chakras (energy centers), doshas (body constitutions), and orishas (spiritual entities) to map out a comprehensive wellness plan.

  • Elemental Balance: Each aspect of your being is associated with an element—Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. Recognizing and treating imbalances within these elements is key to our approach.

  • Holistic Diagnosis: By understanding your unique mix of chakras, doshas, and orishas, we can identify the root causes of imbalance, not just the symptoms.

Recognizing Imbalances

  • Root/Shango - Earth - Kapha: Feeling sluggish, heavy, or stuck? Imbalances might appear as lethargy, weight gain, or feeling "stuck" in life.

  • Sacral/Yemoja - Water - Kapha: Emotional instability, fertility issues, or lack of creativity could indicate an imbalance.

  • Solar Plexus/Oshun - Fire - Pitta: Digestive issues, anger, or lack of confidence might show an imbalance in this fiery center.

  • Heart/Ogun - Air - Vata: Feeling anxious or disconnected? Anxiety, palpitations, or relationship difficulties can be signs of imbalance.

  • Throat/Orunmila - Vata: Communication difficulties, creative blocks, or fear of speaking one’s truth indicate imbalance.

  • Third Eye (Light) & Crown (Thought) - Ether: Imbalances may manifest as confusion, lack of purpose, or disconnection from spirituality.

Elemental Treatments and Health Scenarios

Ether = Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Scenario: A creative professional struggles with brain fog and a lack of inspiration. Treatment Routine: Monthly sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can enhance cognitive function, sparking creativity and clarity of thought.

Air = True Whole Body Cryotherapy™

Scenario: An individual experiences anxiety and disconnection, unable to find balance. Treatment Routine: Bi-weekly Whole Body Cryotherapy™ sessions can help reduce anxiety and improve overall wellbeing, grounding the air element.

Fire = Infrared Therapy

Scenario: A person suffers from chronic inflammation and digestive issues. Treatment Routine: Regular Infrared Therapy sessions can help manage inflammation, support digestion, and restore the body's fiery balance.

Water = Interstitial Hydrotherapy

Scenario: Someone feeling emotionally overwhelmed and creatively blocked. Treatment Routine: Interstitial Hydrotherapy sessions, once or twice a month, can help release emotional blockages and stimulate creative flow.

Earth = Massage Therapy

Scenario: A professional athlete feels physically stuck and unable to progress in training. Treatment Routine: Weekly massage therapy sessions can help release muscle tension, improve physical performance, and restore earthly balance.

Creating Your Custom Membership

Starting your journey with Afrivedic™ Healing begins with understanding your unique elemental constitution. Our team is here to guide you through a comprehensive assessment, diving deep into your chakras, doshas, and orishas to craft a Custom Membership plan that addresses your specific needs.

Whether you're dealing with chronic conditions or seeking to enhance your overall wellness, Afrivedic™ Healing offers a pathway to balance, health, and harmony. Embrace the power of elemental healing and let us guide you to a state of holistic wellbeing.

Visit us today to discover more about Afrivedic™ Healing and start your personalized journey to wellness.