The Laya Center - Afrivedic Wellness

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BeanPod Tea for Diabetes

I can see your face now. It looks like something between REALLY?!? and IKYFL. LOL. But really though… bean pods are used for high cholesterol, obesity, urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney or bladder stones, diabetes, and lung cancer. It is also taken as a diuretic to increase urine production. Essentially, this starch blocker helps to detoxify the pancreas and prevent cholesterol absorption.

Researchers also say that drinking this tea three times per day for 2 months might lower blood sugar by almost 25% in people with type 2 diabetes. Recommendation: Age 6-12 should take half the portion of the recipe (2 oz).

You’ll need:

  • 1 tbsp of beanpods (this recipe call for all the following: kidney, white, navy, lima and northern beans)

  • 12 oz water

  • Lemon

  • Low glycemic sweetener

Make It:

  1. Place one heaping tablespoon of tea leaves in 12 oz. of boiling water.

  2. Boil for 5 minutes on medium flame in covered pot. Turn off fire and allow to steep for an additional 10 minutes.

  3. For a strong decoction, it is preferable for the tea to be boiled at night and left overnight in pot.

  4. Strain liquid and divide into three equal parts of 4 oz.

  5. Sweeten as desired with low glycemic sweetener such as Palmyra Jaggery.

  6. Drink one part approximately 15 minutes before each meal. The tea can be used either hot, cold or at room temperature.

  7. Drink prepared tea within 24 hours.